Add Your Recipes!

I enjoyed doing recipe swaps as a ListMom years ago and thought it might be fun to swap with the world! Have you ever wanted to have your recipe(s) published? Here’s your chance!

  • Please give a valid email address. I may need to write to you for clarification, and I will definitely want to let you know if you’re going to be published! Let me know of email address pages via the Contact Me page.
  • Please share the recipe story! Why is it a treasured recipe of yours? Any humorous anecdotes? If you haven’t read my family cookbook, read the first 10% on to give you an idea of the type of thing to write.
  • You don’t have to choose one of the listed future cookbooks if your recipe doesn’t fall into any of the categories.
  • You can post multiple recipes. I’m smart enough to figure out which cookbooks (planned or unplanned) they will need to go in!
  • I can’t afford to pay anything for recipes…but you will certainly have bragging rights! And you will have done a very noble thing in sharing treasured recipes with the world. I don’t like it when recipes become irretrievably my grandmother’s awesome eclair recipe.
  • Concerned about recipe and copyright? See my take on it.

Add Your Recipes!

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